How to Kill Wildlife - Pigeon Trapping

Pigeon Trapping

Pigeons are known to have originated from the North America, where they were kept as domestic birds for food, and other activities such as racing. The domesticated birds escaped from their homes and became wild, their numbers have increased and therefore during the time of food scarcity they cause problems to humans. Because of these problems, trapping them has become the alternative of restraining them from causing a nuisance at homes. Trapping of pigeons is quite a challenge since they do fly, unlike trapping animals that walk.

Why Trap Pigeons
There are several reasons why people want to trap pigeons. The following are some of them;
• Pigeons are birds that scavenge on leftover food, and due to their increased population and scarcity of food, the birds opt to fly around in search of food. At homes and urban towns, there are bins that are used to collect waste foodstuff, these bins become the best source of food for pigeons. As they pick up the food remains they leave behind wrapping of food cramps as they fly around and thus littering the place.
• Pigeons are also unattractive since they carry disease-causing microorganism. Pigeons are dirty birds and they do fly from one place to another thus spreading diseases. Salmonella is the most common typhoid causing microorganism that is commonly spread by the pigeons. Furthermore, their nest is breeding places for pests like bedbugs and flies. These pests are undesirable to human, as they cause discomfort at homes. • The birds also leave their dropping everywhere and thus becomes a problem in cleaning.
To avoid all these problems, trapping of pigeons has proven to be the best solution.

How to Trap Pigeons
Trapping of pigeons is not an easy task. It requires choosing of suitable steps or procedures in order to trap them successfully. It is also important to choose the right type of bait to be used to lure the birds without harming them. Choice of methods to be used should be considered, the method used should not be lethal to the birds. Although birds may be a nuisance to us, killing or destroying them is not the best option since they add aesthetic value to our environment.

Steps Used to Trap Pigeons
Pigeon trapping is stepwise procedure that involves the following;

Pigeon Identification
This is the initial and most important step in pigeon trapping method. Identification of the places where they are normally found is a wise step for effective trapping, the places where they like to congregate is where there is a source of food or in their nest.

Obtaining a Pigeon Trap
There are a wide variety of pigeon traps. Therefore is important to obtain the most suitable one to ensure effectiveness. Most of the pigeon traps are in form of cages and are mostly found sold in supermarkets or hardware shops.

Bait Placement
This involves the choice of suitable bait to be used. A bait is supposed to attract an as large number of pigeons as possible. Place placement technique should be designed in a way that it creates a habit for the birds and therefore drawing them. Once the birds get used to the bait, they will attract more of them and thus increasing the effectiveness of trapping.

Trap Placement
The trap is placed in the place where bait is. The most suitable location is where they normally get their food or where they roost. The place should also be deserted so as to allow the birds to flock in large numbers without getting disturbed. Once you have chosen the right location, then leave the cage open and place some of the bait in it.

Setting of the Trap
Trap setting involves ensuring that the trap will catch as many pigeons as possible. It is also a god idea to place fresh baits in the cage to attract the pigeons.

Once you have successfully trapped them, do not dispose them immediately, and leave them to stay for some time so as to attract more of them. And to maximize the number of trapped pigeons ensure to constantly change the bait.

Type of Traps Used To Trap Pigeons
Pigeon traps come in all sizes and shapes. The effectiveness of trapping is based on the size and structure of the trap. Most of the traps are in form of cages, and they include the following;

Cage Traps
The most commonly used cage trap is known as the Larsen cage trap. This trap is designed in such a way that it has larger ladder traps to ensure that multiple birds are trapped. Normally in the trap, a pigeon is placed so as to lure the others into the trap. The trap is also fitted with a number of opens squares to allow the birds to move into the trap with wings closed, this will ensure that they remain inside the trap.

Net Traps
The net trap is an effective technique of catching live birds. The trap is made of nets that are made to trap a large number of live pigeons. The net ensures that the bird once caught cannot escape. The commonly available nets are cannon nets and mist nets. The cannon nets which are also known as boom nets are designed in such a way that a flock of birds is trapped and dragged when the cannon is triggered. A mist net is commonly placed across trees whereby any flying bird is captured.

This trap is made of a spring frame that collapses when it is triggered thus trapping the bird inside a net beneath the frame. The trap can trap either a live bird or some designs kill them. This trap requires constant inspection.

Funnel Traps
This trapped is designed as a funnel shape. Its entrance is wide so as to lure a large number of birds that are then trapped inside the funnel shaped trap. Some other types of traps are not friendly to the birds, these include the lethal traps. Before using the trap one should first seek permission from the wildlife authorities. A dread trap, for instance, kills a very large number of birds at the same time.

Suitable Bait to Use
A bait is an attractive material that is used to lure pigeons into the traps. The suitability of the bait is the ability to lure as many birds as possible. The type of baits used include;

Food Bait
The commonly used food to attract the pigeons are cereals or whole grains. Whole corn is mostly preferred, but other grains can also be used, for example, peas and sunflower seeds. The small size grains are good to use to ensure that non-targeted birds do not feed on them.

Stupefying Baits
This is the oldest type of bait used to attract pigeons. This type, however, is not advisable since it involves dispensing chemicals in grains that will make the bird stupid and unable to move. When the pigeon is stupefied, it does not move and thus attracting more pigeons to the trap.

Methods of Trapping Pigeons
Indoor trapping method is the most effective method of trapping pigeons. This involves placing of traps in indoor roosting places of pigeon’s. Their roosting places are commonly rooftops and deserted structures, in this location a suitable trap is placed and once the birds flock into the nest they are trapped.

How to kill pigeons

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