Raccoons are not really wild animals but are urban animals. Raccoons are common in cities and suburbs than they are in undeveloped areas of nature. Which is why raccoons can be a bit of a problem for humans. Raccoons are really smart, curious and agile which is one of the reasons why it is simply a bit difficult to keep them away. However, continue reading, and you might come across some information that may help you with your raccoon problem.
Home repairs to keep Raccoons away
Keep your kitchen windows and doors close
By home repair, I don’t mean to reconstruct your home, but just in case you are not around the kitchen a lot then it is best you close the windows or doors to your kitchen, which is another place Raccoons are attracted to (food). Add some fences around your yard, to keep Raccoon’s out. Trapping and relocating them elsewhere is the next best choice. If you are unable to do any of these, then it is best that you find a different place to store your food and garbage until necessary to be taken out.
Bungee cords to seal your garbage cans
Raccoons are attracted to your home once they begin to witness the garbage cans. Raccoons can only open lids which are lost or broken. So make sure, to seal your garbage bags tight into a container and keep something heavy over it. Otherwise, you can also use bungee cords to tighten the lids.
Inspect around your house
Make sure you inspect around your house to check for any holes that Raccoons may sneak into. Remember that they can go through surprisingly small spaces, which includes, chimneys, attic vents, seems along the roof and baseboards. Block these spaces with metal sheets or heavy screening.
Mothballs, and rabies
Some research shows that moth balls may keep raccoons out of enclosed spaces in and around the house. Remember to keep an eye out for those Raccoons that may be affected by rabies, in case you come across this; it is best you contact the wildlife control and seek help before it spreads to your pets or anyone else in your home, or even you.
Set up light indicators
As known, Raccoons are animals who are mostly active at night, and they love residing in peaceful areas. So one of the best ways to keep them away during these night times is to set up light indicators around your yard and house. Light indicators work if the movement is detected. So once Raccoons begin to move around, these lights would pop out and leave the Raccoons to run away for cover, this is another best way to keep your house and surroundings protected during the night fall.
Predator Urine
As known, Raccoons fear certain predators, so using the urine of Coyotes, bobcats, wolves, and spraying these around would lead the Raccoons to think that there are predators nearby, and due to this they would keep away and only seek for a way to escape and leave the place as soon as possible.
Contact the wildlife experts
If none of these seems to help, or work, then remember that there is one last choice which will surely help you get rid of your problems. Call the wildlife and ask them to help you with the Raccoon problems. They tend to know more about these animals more than we do, and can also guide you on how to keep them away in the future as well.
Natural remedies to keep raccoons away
- Position several ammonia soaked rags, near or around the entrances of how you believe they would enter, or from where they enter it.
- Spray some ammonia around the places where you spotted the raccoons.
- Sprinkle a cup of ammonia inside and around your trash cans.
- Spray some ammonia onto the ground where Raccoons are drawn.
- Raccoons cannot tolerate the smell of cucumbers, so make sure you plant some cucumber in your garden and adjacent to fencing.
Raccoons can be destructive and cause a lot of trouble to you by making a mess of your garbage as well as your foods and fish. These tips and remedies will help you get rid of your Raccoon trouble, however, remember, that do not harm these animals at any cause, they are not harmful at all, they only come seeking for food and refuge, not to harm you or your loved ones. Remember, to keep yourself, your family or pets from some Raccoons who may be affected by Rabies.
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How to Kill Raccoons page.