How to Kill Wildlife - The best way to trap a skunk

The best way to trap a skunk

Skunks can be very annoying. Getting the rid of a skunk can sometimes seem like a major task. You are mindful of their awful smelling defense mechanism. You do want to get this on you. You may smell terrible for days. Trapping skunks may not be as difficult as you might think. Below is a simple procedure using a trap to capture a skunk.

How to capture a skunk?
1. Obtain a large raccoon sized trap.
2. Place the trap in those areas where you saw the skunk or skunks.
3. Be sure to fasten the trap firmly to the ground.
4. Properly bait the trap. Try using cat food.
5. Place a cover over the trap.
6. Wait for the skunk to fall into the trap.

The best type of skunk trap
It is always best to get a large raccoon sized trap when dealing with skunks. This trap should be a caged type and no less than about thirty inches long, one feet long and ten inches in width. There are many traps of this dimension available throughout the country. Some work better than others but generally they all work well. You can also opt for those solid wall traps. These are very good as well. A skunk will not be able to see you if this type of trap is used. Therefore they will be unable to spray you. These are usually more difficult to obtain. The other cage types can be gotten at your local home depot but the wall type are usually sourced online.

Use the best bait
The best type of bait for skunks is said to be one that is meat based. For example wet cat food. Skunks eat just about everything but certain baits are more attractive than others. If you are to use dry cat food this will also be very effective. You need to be careful because these baits can catch those stray cats or the neighbor’s pet. Thus it may be better if you use something sweet like marshmallows. Cats are not attracted to this but skunks are without. If you do not have cats in your area try the first chose, wet cat food.

Where to position the trap?
You should always put the trap where you saw the skunks. The normally seek refuge beneath you sheds, porches and decks. If this is your reality. You can place traps at the edge of the porch. You can also set up a barrier around the porch’s perimeter. Try leaving a space and open the trap then place it facing the opening created. These is to make sure the skunk has no other place to go when it decides to leave from under your porch. If you have a serious skunk problem. One where the skunks dig holes in your garden and constantly steal your pet’s food put the traps anywhere. Just make sure the skunk can smell the bait.

Do not get sprayed
Once you have trapped a skunk you must ensure you are not sprayed with that smelly liquid. There is a simple technique which you must apply here. Simply approach the skunk carefully with a large cloth. This can be an old big towel, or bed sheet. Make sure you stretch it out wide so you cannot be seen by the skunk. Once the skunk is unable to see it cannot spray. When you get next to the cage cover it. The skunk should calm down at this time. Once you do not present yourself as a target the skunk cannot spray.

Procedure after catching
Once the animal has been caught and properly covered, it is time remove it from your yard. You are not going to kill the animal. You need to put it into the trunk of your car. Get to the nearest legal area where you can release animals and do so. Unfortunately in some states in the United States it is illegal to relocate skunks. Then you may need to get rid of it the other way. But most of the time relocation is acceptable and you get rid of a problem without killing it.

Closing Skunks often invade your space and create problems for you. It is not that hard to rid your property of skunks. Sometimes it may just call for a little sprucing up around the yard and that additional lighting. If you decide to trap try to make sure you approach the trap carefully with a large piece of cloth protecting you from the skunk’s vision.

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